From Humble Beginnings

Taurima was opened in January 1992 and was purpose built to provide 24-hour residential care.

The Rest Home is set in secluded, park like grounds where there is seating on a sheltered outdoor forecourt. We have an abundance of Tuis and because we are down a right of way, the tuis are all that you can hear.

Taurima is managed by Colleen, a qualified nurse with many years experience in aged care. Colleen is assisted by Jane also a registered nurse, who has worked at Taurima since the beginning.

“Taurima” translates to ‘treat with care, tend, entertain, foster, adopt’. We have a caring team of caregivers who are there to help around the clock. Their knowledge of elderly care is extensive and they provide the services that reflect the values of our small, friendly rest home.

Home-like Facilities that Allow Friendships to Blossom

As a small rest home we are able to offer a home-like facility that enables our residents to forge friendships not only with staff but with other residents, our activities programme includes, entertainment, crafts, exercise to music and outings and a weekly social hour, where you can enjoy a sherry, wine or beer with your friends.

You may bring anything that reminds you of home, and makes your room attractive and personal to you.

Our Services

We also provide as part of our service Respite care and day care, where family carers can take a break, knowing their loved ones are being looked after. All our services, including full-time care, come under government subsidy and we do not charge extra or premium fees.

For a full list of our services and facilities Click here

The Next Step

If your a family member who has a loved one that might be ready to be looked after, and would like to know more about how Taurima Rest Home works and our facilities that we offer – don’t hesitate to give us a call or message us.

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